One of the most touching moments thus far in our study of the book of Mark, is how Jesus interfaces with those who have “special needs.” I call it “special needs” because we have witnessed Him performing many great miracles for a multitude who have come to Him for healing. That is not the group to whom I am referring. Every now and then Jesus happens on a moment. Not just any moment, but a moment that carries with it special circumstances; and invariably each time before He takes action, the Bible says He was moved with compassion. The woman with the issue of blood, the widow of Nain and many others. There is a lesson inside of the lesson and it’s simply this. We don’t have to perform the miracles of Jesus in order to show compassion to others. We need to see those as two separate actions. In each of these cases before a miraculous healing occurred, it was preceded by the compassion of Jesus. One of the beautiful aspects of Jesus is His total engagement with all humans, not just people who fit into a particular category. Case in point, the woman at the well, and the woman caught in adultery. In each case, if He had acted differently, his Jewish audience would have been totally supportive of His actions. But Jesus came to die for all men, not just a select few. So, what would be the result if we would lead with compassion, instead of judgment (which is a natural human reaction). God is calling his people to be a people of compassion. Not just to some. Not just to those like us. Not just to those we like, but to all people we encounter at all times, because they all have one thing in common. They are all humans loved by the same God that loves us. If anyone has anything to say about us, let it be said that we are a loving compassionate people.
Blessings! Lamar Comments are closed.
April 2023