We have determined our mini mission this month is “Aid for Africa.” As you recall, rice and oil are staples in the African diet and many who are coming to Christ are poor and hungry. Therefore, Isaac and Nina have been using money intended for their living to buy rice for these new converts. Imagine, almost every new convert costs Isaac and Nina money from their living. The beautiful aspect of this situation is neither Isaac nor Nina complains about this condition. They know they are serving God and trusting him to bless them, by supplying their needs. That is where we come in. The success of our mini mission will provide working capital for Isaac, so he won’t be required to take money away from his wife and son; however, this will allow him to still meet the needs of the hungry. I have asked the congregation to share some of the excess we have been blessed with for the good of the kingdom. We are asking for full participation of the church. Family by family, individual by individual. This is an excellent opportunity for every individual in the church to participate, grown-ups as well as children. What a beautiful sight it will be as we ALL bring our two fish and five loaves and watch God increase it to provide the needs of our African family. This is week 3, and I am elated at our progress. We have established a goal of $2,000 and if we continue our expressions of cooperation and generosity, we will be a blessing to the kingdom of God in Africa. We have just two weeks left, so there is still time to participate. All we ask is that you give according to what God places on your heart, so please keep praying, and let’s all show ourselves faithful in the service of God.
Blessings. Lamar Comments are closed.
April 2023