One thought seems to occupy my mind these days more than any other. Simply put, it is the challenge of maintaining focus on God, and his will for us; in the midst of a society that appears to be running full speed in all directions. I am constantly stunned at the position professed believers take on issues that speak of immorality and obvious blatant sin. Perhaps we have allowed more of the world to infiltrate our thinking beyond what we even realize. It’s one thing to watch the disintegration of the moral fiber of society, but to see it prevalent in those professing Jesus as their Lord is shocking. I have attempted to determine at what point our focus on the things of the world have overwhelmed the things of God in us, resulting in the process of shipwrecking our faith. Many of the faith are now supporters of things that God said those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. This message today is a reminder to all of what God expects of us. I understand that it is easier to conform and blend into the fabric of the world, but God expects his children to look peculiar, and not like those who are pagans. In Romans 12:1 Paul warns believers in his day not to conform to the ways the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of their mind. Social media, television, and other modes of communication have all played a significant role in reshaping society in the direction of being heathenistic in it’s thinking. It is time for us to challenge the dedication of our hearts to determine just who is the true object of our affection. As I seek to understand what is happening in the kingdom of God, it is little wonder things in the world are as they are. The time now is to choose who we will serve regardless what the world or anyone else thinks. It’s time for the soldiers of the cross to arise and put your armor on! Blessings.
~Lamar Comments are closed.
April 2023