Last week we I commented on the recent school shooting. As I continued to ponder this societal problem, I find it difficult to wrap my brain around one immutable fact, children are not supposed to find themselves as human targets of gunmen at school. We send our children to school to get educated. For most parents, there is a sense of peace in knowing your child is in school. Where they are supposed to be, and doing what they are supposed to be doing. Nowhere in that equation is a remote thought, of a shooter killing classmates. School is thought to be a safe place. Yes, there are the usual problems of a few who do kid things ie., pranks, and other normal dumb things kids have always done. I now must add bullying which has become a huge problem, but all of these are in the realm of childhood issues- shooting is not. And that is what puts me on my head. There common things parents expect, and realize can happen at school, but I assure you having your child killed by a classmate with a gun is nowhere on the list.
We find ourselves back to the question asked by so many, “why would God allow it?” There are several answers. Freewill is perhaps the main one. choice another, however there may be another seldom considered. Grownups in America do things and justify them as “rights.” I have the right to live my life as I please. I have the right to an abortion- it is my body, there are many others, just think for a moment. Many applaud and celebrate these decisions that contradict the edict of God, and ignore his constant warnings that our choices carry with them consequences. I can’t tell you how many times someone looked at me and said, “I am grown, I can do what I want.” And to a degree that is true- but don’t forget consequences. There were always consequences- ask King David. However, problems go to a completely different level when children are involved. Suddenly, all of these grownup that regarded themselves as individuals free to do as they please, come together in the name of their children. In that thought, perhaps God allows these acts committed to children to get the attention of adults that he couldn’t get any other way. Perhaps, that is the only way to convey to this generation of “I do what I want” people the effects of this type of selfish thinking, and how it always hurts and impacts others. This all should be an alarm to us that society is hurting and they are looking for something (actually someone) and we know who that is. God is calling us to action. Just think how different the outcome of this recent shooting would have been if someone had reached that young man with Jesus. Instead of killing, he would have been promoting the love of God. It would have only taken one person to dry the tears of 17 families who now will be crying for a very long time. Think about it. It can happen anywhere. Great darkness demands great light. Let’s make a difference. Blessings. ~Lamar Comments are closed.
April 2023