I sit here today straddled on the fence where great joy and great sorrow meet. Recently, I sat with a dear brother in Christ. As I watched him struggle for every breath, we talked about what was to come next. He is in hospice, and is fully aware that his time is on this earth is rapidly coming to an end. As he struggled to breathe, I asked him if he was afraid to die. It was with a gentle smile in his eyes he responded, “no.” What a great moment. Part of me wanted to break into tears knowing this was the last conversation, as well as the last time I would see my brother on this earth. At the same time, I wanted to cry with great joy for the assurance our loving father has given us at the cross of Calvary, that even death cannot separate us from our God, and beyond this earthly existence, eternal life awaits. Oh what joy!! Only God could turn a time of mourning into dancing. As I sat, I recalled those comforting words from Revelation 14:13 reminding us “blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” As well as Psalm 116:15 “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” As we talked, I expressed to him how much I loved him, and of the sizable imprint he has left on my heart. After we prayed, I headed for the door. I paused, and as I turned, I told him again how much I was going to miss him, and with a smile in my eyes through the tears I told him, I would see him again when we all will be rejoicing- in heaven. As I think about it, I just want to cry out because God is so good, good even beyond words.
Sometimes we need to just stop and meditate on how wonderfully blessed we are, to serve a loving God and to have a savior who endured a painful, humiliating, ugly cross, yes… for even us; so that we can rejoice in the midst of sorrow. Blessings. ~Lamar Comments are closed.
April 2023