Today is the first Sunday of the New Year. This is a uniquely special time of year for many, because we begin the year with a “clean slate.” Today is a day to dream of great possibilities for the year. A day to establish new habits, and to leave old counterproductive habits in 2017. An opportunity to chart a new course to reach an even greater destiny in Christ Jesus. Today is also a day of “resolution.” Making a New Years resolution is a time honored American tradition. It’s a time of change. For some it is the prospect of a new job, a better job, a more exciting job, a less stressful job, a more fulfilling job. For others it is a time of scenery change, by leaving the mundane of work-life, for the greener pastures of retirement- and all the ammenities that accompany it. For still others, it’s more personal. To be a better person, mate, parent, employee, etc., Yours may be health focused; a better diet, more exercise, a few less pounds, more rest, greater attention to that which preserves the physical body. The resolution possibilities are vast. In making your resolution, did you consider making one that impacts your spiritual life? In particular your relationship with God? Did you challenge yourself to serve more, to give more, to do more, to care more, to love more, to be useable to God, to work more to look like Jesus? In all the resolutions we make, only those which include God and his will, are everlasting. Unfortunately, the others usually reveal themselves to be self-centered and temporary. Resolve this year to include God in a greater way. Resolve this year to focus on being who God wants you to be, and I assure you it will be a great year. Let’s get excited about what God has in store for those who love and serve him! Blessings.
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April 2023